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The Big Bad Pig

The Big Bad Pig was produced in the project 'The Three Little Pigs' in an Illustration (MA) course at the University of Brighton, UK.

This creative version takes a twist from the original while following the pattern of the villain encountering traps.

It exposes a reversal of roles, transforming the well-beloved tale into a tastefully mischievous work of rendered fiction. 

The Big Bad Pig can be seen as a prequel to the story it is based on.

전래동화 ‘아기돼지 삼형제’를 모티브로 시퀀스를 만드는 프로젝트의 결과물.

원전이 가진 상징성과 캐릭터를 재해석한 그림책.

* Highly Commended for the Macmillan Prize 2012.


PIcture book, 200X230mm, pp24, 2012

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